

All's slushy in the kingdom

Seven bells and all is slushy in the kingdom.

I look out the window to find a rather depressing grey pall hanging over the neighborhood.  In the last twenty-four hours temperatures have steadily risen from our frozen tundra state (numbers in the single digits and sub-zero) to balmy-for-January upper-twenties-to-thirty-something.  Yesterday, temps managed to peak in the forties in our state - flirting with the fifty-degree mark - and today...

Well, today we will pass well in to the fifties (with some weather weenies predicting 60-something), but it will be a wet, w-e-t day.

So, our grey misty, foggy day has begun.  I was awake early enough to hear the rains begin, then progress into thundershowers.  There was even a bit of lightening, but none of it was the raucously loud spring or summer brand of thunderstorms.  Nope, just a confused January storm.

There will be flooding issues today to be sure, and most likely LOTS of careless driving issues to boot.  And as soon as the day is over - - POW! - - we will be back in a deep freeze situation, with slushy, half-melted snow and rain mix all over the back roads and sidestreets, and a slick glaze on the expressways making moving around absolutely treacherous.

There will be the short-wearing contingent, thinking that showing some skin during January is a right (or a must) for Michigan natives.  Not in this household, however; I can't even get my two mooyaks to wear short pants during the sweltering days of summer!  Not even just around the house!!

Hopefully, the next storm said to be moving into position will take an odd turn and miss us completely, but I am not counting on it.  Simply saying it would be nice.  [sigh]

I do intend to get Karl outdoors with me to scrape and move the slushy remains of our driveway off to the sidelines, so whatever falls next will be flat and easy enough to walk and drive on.

Ah, Michigan winters.  [blech]

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