

In a galaxy - far, far away

A long time ago, I taught quilting at a fabric store (a large, chain store, no longer among the 'living'), and I was pretty good at it....for being a relative newbie myself at the time.

I believe I succeeded because I wasn't afraid to try, to learn, to say I didn't know it all, to practice, to explore.  And also because I could identify so closely with the eager people interested in following suit.  We were a part of the resurgence of quilting in the mid-eighties.

Now, I'm no published guru, no award-winning, well-known, quilting household name.......yet, but I am good at the craft.

I think.

I've been sewing the better portion of my life, mostly clothing, alterations, curtains, etc., until quilting became a member of my family, so I am pretty good at it.

Well, today I opened my 'book' and started a chapter over.  I am teaching sewing at yet another retail chain giant - admittedly not what I would prefer to do, but it is work and I am making a difference in a small way (for some people).  Originally I was told the beginning sewing class would be a multitude of two, but when I arrived to set up, the number had grown to three paid attendees.

Within 10 minutes of my arrival, the class had swelled to four curious sewing-challenged individuals!

We were together for 2.5 solid hours, and I hope they learned something.  At the very least, I hope they found the desire to go on and buy machines and continue on their own sewing sojourns.

After the class I was invited to stick around for the 'open house' at the store to talk with individuals who may want to take classes as well.  You know, foster excitement, chat it up, and answer questions.

It must have worked because the education manager found me toward the end of the open house to say a good number of people signed up for sewing classes, so there would be further work for me (and other instructors) down the road. So wahoo!

On another note: there is only one more sleep 'til season three of "Downton Abbey" (to paraphrase the brilliant Muppets)!!!!!

Nobody call me tomorrow evening after 7PM EST.  There will be no one taking calls around here.  That's when I'll be on another planet - far, far way!

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