


It appears to me that somebody (or several 'somebodys') are taking a trip down Memory Lane lately.  Lots of reading going on in the wayback machine for the ol' blog.

I am noticing quite a few hits happening from the time period where I was enrolled in a production program at Specs.

Well, whoever you are, you may as well know, there has been a good deal of 'house cleaning' from that time period.  That is to say, I have gone through that year's worth of entries and deleted a LOT of those photographs, so if you think something is're right.  The references to the photos may still be intact within the entry, but the pictures themselves have been removed.

So it appears as though you may be outta luck. [finger snap] Ah, well.

If you are looking for someting specific, send me an email or leave a comment, and I'll get back to you.

Tah for now.

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