


Or, "gray", if you prefer.

The day began bright but grey.  No hint of blue or atmospheric color values....just clouds to the point of a monochromatic sky. 

Even the curling vapors writhing from neighboring chimneys, into the crisp January air, is grey.  Coupled with the snow blanketing the landscape, houses, and streets, the only punctuation to it all are the trunks and branches of the trees and deciduous bushes.  But it was bright this morning, and so was somewhat cheerful, despite the lack of hue.

As the day grew on it somehow became dreary grey - and 'pleh' - outside.  Thus, the feeling in the house became 'pleh' as well.  The dreariness has drained the exuberance right out of the day, and I feel like I am moving in slow motion.  Go figure.

Feh on the 'pleh'.

The only bright spots are the colors of the quilt in progress and my daydreams.  Perhaps a little music would help.

The cats are all scattered to their napping corners, and Karl is at his PC chatting with friends online, so I guess I will continue sewing.

Oh! I know!  I'll throw another load of wash into the machine and pretend the smell of fresh laundry is wafting in from an open window and laundry hanging on the line!

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