

Cute little visitor

One last note (two items) for the day.

As the day drew to a close, and the sun cast long shadows from the west, I chanced to look out the kitchen window to the backyard, and a movement on the ground caught my eye. A small, dark bird was fluttering helplessly in the tall grass, and I wasn't certain if it was a fledgling or an injured bird. After watching it for several minutes, I went out a back door with gloves on (some birds can really clamp down and make a mark) to see what was needed for this non-flying flyer.

The lovely little critter huddled against the trunk of the apple tree - trying for invisibility - was a Barn Swallow. Adorable and feisty, but spindly and shaking.

The second bit of news is nothing more than I am still waiting to hear from Brad, and waiting to receive the script.

More of everything tomorrow.

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