

Up for hours

With the dawn of the day arriving, my eyeballs resisted opening, but for some reason my brain decided it was wakey-wakey time. Try as I might, I could not get back to sleep.

Bad brain!

It was the wee hours of the morning (not the "wee, small hours" as described in that lovely song), around 5 to 5:30 - I could tell from the lack of noise from the bird population and the rather feint (to lack-of) light in the room. I had hours to go before needing to rise, in spite of the list of things requiring my attention before returning to Gram's.

That's right, I am returning to stay with her because the second of two people (who stay with her when family is not scheduled) is taking time off. S'ok, I need the cash right now, so I guess that's as good a reason as any. Harsh, but true and honest.

Yesterday, Uncle Dan and I were kibitzing with each other and chatting up Gram when the phone rang. I had agreed to stay for dinner with Laura, Scott (who were bringing lil' Edison for a visit), Unc Dan and Gram when news came that there was a search on for someone to stay during the time, over the weekend, that was now vacant. This meant that I then needed to scram so I could try and salvage some of the late, late afternoon hours for getting things accomplished in my own world before having to return within 24 hours. Not a pleasant thought.

The drive up Telegraph alone was going to eat a lot of what remained for Thursday, so I was desperate to get moving right away. Unc D understood, but Gram took it all personally.

That's when Gram let Dan and me have a load of buckshot. Ah well, I hope the visit from Scott and Laura and their son had a calming effect on the old girl.

I however, had a nice dinner with Brian and Karl, and that made my day. They were congenial and sweet (even to one another), and we laughed at silly things...very unlike most of our suppers. I got a start on laundry and read a couple of newspapers that had piled up, tended to a small amount of paperwork and made plans to get cracking on the new floor in the kitchen the next day.

This morning I fed the girls and sat with each one in turn, which resulted in a LOT of purring and drool - they are so important to one's psyche, all of that appreciation and unconditional love. I can't tell you how much I miss it when I go away. It's like not hugging the boys...I need that, too! Besides, petting Gram is just a little weird.

Anyhow, I had a bowl of cereal and checked email and job sites for new listings. Found a new response to one of my interest letters from about a week ago. It's just a two day thing, but at least I got another response. Those are almost as good as getting work! ;) Another bid job - which I hate doing since they undercut you to start with by saying it's a micro-budget production (whether it is or isn't), so you end up having to pitch ridiculously low day rates, hoping no one else underbids you. Jeesh!!!!!

So now, it is another hurry up and wait ordeal. At least the wait will be a bit shorter as they are running the two days of production on the 29th and 30th of August. They are in a hurry to get the scripty locked down because there will be a bunch of pre-pro work for me to do if I get this gig. So what would be 2 days for all other on set hands, a script supervisor has a couple of days (easily) of work to get done before filming starts - and that's all paid, too.

After that I went to work on washing the dishes in the sink (boys!) and then filling in the chinks, knot holes and gaps in the new oak floor. Once the wood filler dries sufficiently I will get a drum sander and tackle the next item on the list tonight or tomorrow morning (August is growing short). I may not get to the staining until I return, but at least this much is accomplished, and it feels good! As soon as it is stained the carpenter can return and finish the island build out, cabinet installation and range hook up! Maybe even install a counter top for good measure.

I will feel it all tonight though, when I want to stay awake past 9pm...but it does me a world of good when I am up for hours and I get things done.

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