

New month, old habits

For the last several days I have been trying to get back into the sleeping groove I had before Auteur Theory - and it has been tough. You would think reversing something as simple as going from 12 hour night shoots back to a daytime routine would be nothing. I know! I thought so too, but it has been difficult.

In addition, I hoped to be back to blogging several times a week beginning with the first of the month - at least until I got another gig, you know - but every night, as I lay my head down, the little blog light clicked on in my head...pling! Then I remembered, "fool, you forgot to pen the day, again."

Always well past midnight, and with all good intentions for the following day, I tucked myself in for the night and dropped off to sleep.

So, here we are, a week into August - literally - and I am only now posting for the first time.

What the [bleep]!... I know (she said sheepishly).

Anyway, I decided that with my time open (no jobs in the immediate, forseeable future), I would get something done in the house which has been begging for attention for quite some time.


There are several things to get done, on a very long list of ignored chores/tasks. The first annoying thing I tackled was the mountainous pile of blue jeans needing repair (most of them belonging to Brian). When I wan to sew I have to move them or move around them, so they moved finally to the top of the to do pile and got "to-did."


With that done (and a good deal of dirty laundry washed, too) I turned my focus to the house. It has been in a state of ramshackle and chaos because of the horrible take-the-money-and-run carpenters and tradesmen I paraded through when I had a full time job, and because of depression (and lack of $) after losing said full time employment.

Well, I am tired of living this way, so I made a decision, and the cats are hating it. Nevertheless, it needed to be done. Needs to be done, and begins, AGAIN!

Many years ago (less than 10 and more than 5) I allowed people to come into my home to follow plans and diagrams, in order to make better use of the spaces in the house. A wall between the living room and kitchen was removed; the stairs to the lower level were reconfigured; walls and flooring went in downstairs (I did the flooring on my own); doors were installed and doorways closed over, and on and on. A friend has "volunteered" to help get the work in the kitchen done, and to help install the stove I purchased years ago (which has been sitting crated up in the garage since its arrival), so I have decided to take him up on it.

More to come, but here is where we stand after 2 days of efforts. Tomorrow, the red oak (which has been stewing in my lower level) is going down and then the support wall for the island is going up!!!

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