

OK, paying job #2 is in the wings

Yes, I got it.

It isn't much...2 days at an un-Godly low rate that I had to bid (and sell myself short) - and I wasn't even his first choice, but I got it.

I will be a scripty for a few days on an ulta-low micro budget webisode project.

Received an email yesterday afternoon (after making other plans for another interview for a no-pay gig) telling me I had the spot (sort of) and that we needed to have a face-to-face to seal the deal.

Drove to Flint for the late pm interview and spent an hour with "Brad", who obviously had no clue what he was looking at as he glanced over my scripty notes. He never went past the 3 pages of script and their accompanying facing pages to review the reports, one liners, breakdowns....nothing. Does he not want (or expect) an editors log or daily summary, or any of the usual stuff?

Guess not.

In fact, as we wrapped the session, he couldn't even hand me a copy of the script(s) (yes, there are supposedly three versions of this trailer that will be shot in the coming couple of days), nor could he assure me I would get an email of it any sooner than "maybe by five tomorrow." Neither could he tell me the dates of the production, but I am assuming from his other three pleading ads online, that it will be Monday and Tuesday of next week.

We'll see.

That's ok, it's all good. I have a short-but-paying script supervisor job that I can call my own...and there WILL be MORE to follow. ;)

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