

Yes, again

Maybe not quite as early as five twenty-five, but early enough.

I awoke about forty minutes ago and rolled over, trying in vane to forget daylight would be here soon and that I had to pack the car and drive south again, but my little ploy didn't work. My brain was determined to keep sorting through the day and all of the necessary bits. Packing and rearranging the particulars into neat little piles, like rehearsing lines and running scenes before shooting.

Up I got and begrudgingly greeted my vertical position. Phooey!

The cats were eager to see if breakfast would be equally as early (for them) and they circled like fuzzy little sharks. Cute, but maniacal.

I checked email to see if I had received any answer to my note from yesterday. Yes, I had another interest bomb yesterday from a two-day production. They wanted a bid (a low-ball, "micro budget" rate) with which to weed out candidates and narrow the field, so that choosing a scripty for their cheap trailer was a no-brainer.

JEEZ! I can't even get work on a two day gig!!! Did I have to bid $25 dollars just to get a look? C'mon!!

Well, production for the next two I applied to begins next week. Prepro should be this week (at least for timing and breakdown, script super-wise), so I think I can figure I am out of the running. I mean, even if they are INCREDIBLY late hiring, and the paperwork needs to be done in a hurry, by now there should be some notification.

Maybe I'll just go back to bed and hug a pillow for a little while.

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