

Lots of nothing

Still no word from anyone regarding the Grand Rapids film.

Have applied to two more productions - one in MI and the other in NY.

The flooring in the kitchen is down, and it is looking incredible. IN-credible! Next, the half wall for the island will be erected, the cabinets will go in on either side of the stove (which has been sitting crated, in the garage for more than 5 years), and then I will be able to stain the floor and move things back in! This has been a long time in the making. A l-o-n-g time...I can't tell you how exciting it is.

Brian has created an actual resume, and has already sent it out to a prospective employer.

Karl is inches away from completing his final project for the Flash class at CCS, and has done quite well, in spite of his protestations, goofing off and general stalling.

I've had a chance to work a little on Karl's quilt without any guilt about wasting time. I still have a long way to go, but because the patches assemble quickly, I can get 5 patches or more done without blinking. I have yet to cut out the red bits to use (on the three or four red patches I've decided to add to the quilt), and also still need to cut and assemble the 'white' patches and plain blocks before the top begins to go together, but there is progress where for the last month there was none at all.

Up until today, the weather over the last few days has been supreme. Not too hot, windy, cloudy, no humidity...thank you, God. What a gift.

That's all for me, I am heading to bed. Tomorrow will bring another interview with another do-gooder, who may or may not stick around to help Karl. This one will be number five, and I grow less hopeful with each person that marches into the house - all with good intentions and high-minded ideals, bit no stick-to-itiveness or care for the mess they leave when they change their minds days, or even weeks, later. I also need to go to the bank and then get some supplies for the kitchen work.

Let me know what you are up to.

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