

Dear Easter Bunny

For my birthday...

...I would like the weather to turn and stay 'that way.'

...I would like my life back.

...may I please have a happy childhood and an easy adolescence.

...please grant me the willpower and motivation to keep my hand out of the cookie jar - it's killing my Mae West figure.

...could I have the job that 'somebody up there' thinks would be the job I need instead of the job I want.

...give my sons (and my brothers) good jobs and happy lives. it possible to lower the price of gas? about magic genie powers (I promise I won't abuse them).

...I would like to win a lottery jackpot. Not too large, just what I need, that's all. would be nice to get a lovely lift to my saggy jowls and other pieces parts.

...I'm thinking a three week trip to Greece. would be neat if my bottom teeth looked less like English dental work.

...I wouldn't mind the desire and fortitude to keep up with the housework - daily (or even every other day).

...can you work with the networks to eliminate all of the "real life" trash shows on TV?

...I would appreciate the resurrection of my paper shredder.

...please fix the reverse function on my sewing machine so that it stays fixed.

You don't have to provide all of these wishes on my list, but five of them would be really cool. One for every decade of my life. They don't have to be giftwrapped, but left where I could find them easily would be much appreciated.

Thank you. :)

P.S. The paper shredder isn't really that big a deal, can scratch that one off the list.

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