

What a difference a day makes

My yesterday was particularly full and pleasing. It began at a meeting with a few folks to discuss our team participation in the 48 hour film contest (coming in June), then I drove to the east (north-east) side to hang with Maria at a quilt show.

Thank you, Maria, for taking me (and treating me!).

The quilt guild putting on the event is the Detroit guild Maria took up with more than a year ago, and they've since brought her to a new level of quilt excitement, and it was easy to see why. We spent hours walking and talking, observing and studying, and collecting inspiration and dismissing those quilts that were not pleasing. It was a great way to point out things to keep in mind when choosing a fabric color palette, thread color and quilting stencils or patterns for the top stitching.

A few photos of our favorite quilt are visible at

Afterwards, we had a bite to eat (thank you again, M) and jacked our jaws for a long time, until I had to get on the road for home. On the drive I called Karl to see how he was, and he mentioned that we needed milk, so I stopped for groceries (not a huge basketful, but things we absolutely needed).

Once home I opened email to check for work and book sales (I had one sale...for $5 dollars), and then settled in to chat with Karl and hopefully sew a little myself.

I didn't get any sewing done myself, but I daydreamed a lot (and moved stuff around and felt very inspired and motivated), so that's got to count for something, right? Today however, will be a totally different story because I need to get ready for a job interview - "possibly on Monday....sometime, but maybe Tuesday," and will also need to walk the book package to the PO to send it on its way.

I guess that's my lesson for the day...a watched email box never produces any positive hits. What a difference a day makes!

And yes, I will let you know what comes of the interview and what it's all about...but not ahead of time, because I really don't know much more than it's for a corporate admin position for 4-6 months.

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