


Or, is it 'Oh-Four of Oh-Four'? Whatever you call it, the month is slipping by.

The cats have been fed, their box skreeted, and I have fulfilled my obligatory viewing of the dishes in the sink and the bathroom, needing cleaning - again.

I have looked on the usual 5+ sites for work (the + being several prospective job notices that cropped up from job services in my inbox), checked email (all inboxes) for "hey, come in for an interview" responses, and gone through the spam folders for a laugh.

And you know, I don't get it. For the last several months I have been bombarded with spam telling me I can "make her more excited and fulfilled if [I] use a penis-enhancing drug." Why do I get the Viagra spam?!

HEY! It's short hair, not a lifestyle!!

And I do not know who the woman is that they refer to, but if she likes other women with a 'member', I would assume it would be a 'member' that someone can carry around in their purse and activate by way of a D-cell battery, not a little blue pill.

I'm just sayin'. I mean, that would be a strange kind of lesbian right there.

That's all.

Amazingly (happily), I am getting far fewer of those sorts of emails of late, but I'm finding the tide has shifted to walk-in tubs and senior dating offers.


If I didn't appeal to single men (let me stress the word SINGLE) when I was ten years younger and somewhat lighter - and in great shape, by the way - what makes you think I have any interest in much-less-interested-men-over-a-certain-age, who are really only interested in finding a little chickee under (way under) a certain age (of which I am not one)?

And, by the way....I am not fifty yet, either! Sheesh.

Oh, and another thing...I don't take seriously the dating spam sent to me from some email address that includes the word "ovarian" you can stop now. Thanks. Ah, but those walk-in tub thingys....those may have some merit (in another 25 years or so...maybe).

It's April fourth. Let's move on, shall we?

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