

Hello [chronological age that I am]. Goodbye, April....

....and good riddance.

My birthday came and went a couple of days ago, with nothing significant to commemorate the occasion....just like the last four or five years. (Jean, this doesn't mean I am not happy for your achievement.)

I guess I always thought I would have some sort of shindig when I hit the half century mark, but it wasn't meant to be.

Too melancholy; too "woe-is-me," I know, but with things the way they are (and have been for far too long), I am stuck in this mental quicksand and I can't seem to pull myself out any more. Used to be, when I reached a certain level of unhappiness, I could roll with the punches a bit, slog through the mental mire, and only have to dust myself off and hose down my shoes (so-to-speak) to get back into life with a smile (or at least, a better attitude).

Now, I just want to flip off the world, sneer and scowl and let life keep moving past.

Having said that (please excuse the pretty poor segue) -

Thank you, Maria, for the phone call and the message - and your card! I would liked to have picked up when you phoned, but the AD was yammering at me about huge changes to the schedule for the day - something they continually forget to communicate to me, so he thought he'd tell me right then. I would much rather have spoken with you for a few moments. Thank you, thank you! <3

Aunt Deb, Grandma and Aunt Joan, thank you for your cards and prayers. I haven't any news regarding the job I interviewed for (the interview I had was simply with a placement/contract agency, I have yet to interview with the actual company I would be working at as a contractor). I did have a call from the placement person I am working with, but he says there's been no word beyond knowing my resume has been received and that I am in contention and being considered. So, not a 'yes', but not a 'no'. It's just a waiting game.

In the meanwhile, I'm working on a small budget (aren't they all?) film close to home. It will keep me busy and put a little extra cash in the budget - maybe I can have my stove brought in and connected with it!

Aaron, thank you for the phone call and the birthday song you left on my vme! Well done, nut bag. It was well received and much appreciated on a very crappy day. Oh, and thanks for pointing out that I am still - technically - in my forties.

Aunt Judy, sorry to read you have been under the weather. I hope you are much improved and in the pink. Here's a hug and thanks for your email greeting.

Mom....thank you most of all. I read your message(s) several times and I am using your "not much" to treat myself to my favorite MI Cobb salad at The Union sometime in the next couple of weeks. I'll walk to town and eat at my leisure at one of the outdoor tables - when it isn't raining (and maybe buy a fat quarter with the leftover)!

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