

With a vengeance, baby

I was awake at 6:30 this morning, just in time to hear and see the thunderous early storms for the day. The noise and light show went on for roughly ten minutes and then....the downpour began! Holy smokes, it rained with a vengeance - and it's raining still. I am sort of hoping the skies rain themselves out before too much longer because I have a birthday gift to get in the ground.

This is the link to the new The House of the Rising Sun trailer. It is vastly improved over the me. Despite the choice of music towards the end of the trailer, it's pretty darned good, though.

HOTRS will be released straight to DVD on July 19th. Look for it if you're in to that sort of flick.

The thing that cracks me up about seeing a film I've worked on, or watching a trailer for one is, I still catch myself thinking of where I was standing at any given moment, or what day in the production sequence we were in. Trying to watch a film simply for the sake of watching for enjoyment is out the window. Fortunately, there aren't that many films I have crewed on for that to be a real issue. (Maybe I should have said 'unfortunately.')

Of course, family and friends will tell you I am not to be allowed control of the remote while watching DVDs because I tend to obsess and rewind it to point out continuity issues on any movie (and television shows too, if I could).

Hey, that just means I am dedicated to my trade, and good at what I do! Continuity with a vengeance! Yeah, baby. ;)

Don't forget, all quilting photos and blogging can now be found at: :)

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