

I don't get it

You know, I wasn't bragging the other day when I was saying how thrilled I was at the prospect of maybe finally having a job. I wasn't boasting or trying to make anyone feel bad - I was simply over the moon and needed to share it.

It has been so long since I have had a nibble of any sort from an honest-to-goodness, benefits-paying, five-day-a-week, life-supporting-wage sort of position. For the first time, in a long time, I had a chance at getting caught up and jumping back into a comfortable place where I can pay bills and take care of my family again.

Me! Me on my own, and I needed to jump on a rooftop and crow.

And not only did I manage to catch the eye of a hiring agency and score a favorable interview on a corporate platform, but I managed to get a second job offer as well.

Weirdly, I also scored that scripty gig...which isn't to start filming until approximately when I figured the second interview would happen with the corporate thing. Scheduling an interview may become a little tough, but I will work it out.

I laughed at the irony. I began to wonder at the circumstances. I fretted over how I take time to interview when (not 'if') it became necessary. I worried over the possibility of angering the production folks at maybe having to leave midstream (should the corporate job require me to start during the run of the filming).

Did my celebration curse my dreams? Was my happiness the rack-n-ruin of my chances? Did I jinx it?

I think I must have. It certainly feels like that's the case.

I received a phone call from the hiring agency late (late) Tuesday afternoon, and the message said that they haven't heard from the corporate people to say "yea" or "nay," and so would I consider calling my friends and former colleague to push at getting in the door? Shake the tree...break the ice...nudge the slumbering bear.

I have to admit I am not in favor of this tactic.

What it all comes down to is...I just don't get it. How can things look so good - be so promising - but then become so mired down and come to a complete standstill? I know that's the way it all works, except I can't help but wonder if this is a really good test of my faith and resolve. There's a plan, and God's will be done, but who knew He would be so into cliffhangers, mysteries and suspense?

1 comment:

Rie said...

This is only in my opinion, a chance to be true to you,and what you want in or out of life. How important is it to live your dream? Sometime things happen in order for you to make a decision about what's important versus what's important. A question that only you can decide.