


We met Karl's newest MRS coordinator/'client' representative today. "Ms. H" called Tuesday or Wednesday this week and made an appointment with Karl for today at noon.

He was pleasant enough throughout the exchange, and she asked all of the standard questions and made notes. It's safe to say he is weary of the steeplechase runaround, the repetition and the hoops at the MRS office; fed up with their pedantic paperwork and procedure. He has become jaded and almost disinterested in his own welfare because of the lack of momentum and follow-through on the part of the MRS.

My wish is for this new person to be proactive and truly engaged in moving Karl forward through the endless process. I wish for her to see K as he is, and not for what he appears to outwardly be. Only when she sees Karl's strengths and weaknesses - past the sarcastic humor and defensive non-chalance - will she understand where he is and what he needs to be able to become a member of the working society.

I am sure Karl is thinking 'this one won't last long' (like all of the previous reps), and before long he will be put through the process of being reassigned all over again. Each time a rep leaves he loses ground (at both ends), and it has all just become annoyingly predictable. No progress, just LOTS of lip service and rhetoric.

I'm not sure how much squeakier this old wheel can get.

Well, for now we will give Ms. H some time to get her feet under her and begin shuttling Karl through the MRS mill (again).....but only to a point, and we will not be led backwards through the already conquered gauntlet. We will not let it go past the end of August without seeing something new arrive - like a game plan or a program, etc. She is seemingly atuned (and perhaps genuine) in her desire to help, but I guess everything will wash out. She has stepped into a large caseload and is playing catch-up quickly with all her new needful charges. Karl is one of many.

But it's about time. It's Karl's turn, dagnabit!

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