

Hello, again. Hello.

I have been keeping myself busy - looking for work, editing photos, some sporadic gardening, sewing, sewing, sewing (more cutting out stuff than actual sewing - but you've gotta start at the beginning), and house cleaning.

And, yes, I think I have been avoiding coming online to 'goof around' for the most part, staying out of the blog on purpose. Aside from idle chatter about the weather and gardening updates, it seems as though I have not had much to say. The disappointment in still not finding any work - of any sort - has become a serious drain on my mood. No one wants to read consistantly depressing reports, so I opted to say nothing.

You know that old adage: "If you can't say something nice, yakkity schmakkity," or some such.

Had a fairly good week with Karl. He allowed for a trip out of the house for shoe shopping (which he needed very badly), and that trip I stretched into a haircut and then foraging for a pair of jeans (which he also needed very badly) before turning the car for home. This was all way outside his comfort zone, but aside from the usual offhand flip remarks about being bored and ready to call it quits, he did well.

See, with Karl, you have to reason and strategize a lot of the time. I reasoned that since he was already out of the house he/we may as well do the other necessary things rather than to have to leave again another day...and another to get these things done.

When he sees it laid out logically he is a little more apt to go along. "Just because," or "because I said so" stopped working a long time ago.

The furthest outside his comfort zone he had to venture was putting on new socks in order to try out the shoes. He typically wears really thick, white, mid-calf socks, and I made him put on dark (thinner) dress socks to find his new shoes. He was noteably annoyed at the prospect of changing from his happy old friends to another type of stocking ("they feel weird and they make my legs cold!"). An annoyance further amplified by having to do so there, in the store!!!

After an easy half dozen shoes (I truly think it was eight pair), he settled on something we could both live with and afford.

Thank you, Barb, for the help with this project/process/painful event.

Oh, and Maria, thank you for sending Karl a birthday card. He couldn't figure out the handwriting or the address (not familiar to him), and you had the Ellery Queen in him stumped. Once he finally knew who it was he received an extra card from, he was very pleased and flattered. Thank you for you kindness - from both of us. <3

Another good bit of news is regarding Brian. He got a promotion and a raise with the reorganizing of the store! It wasn't the position he preferred, but it was his second choice (and as I keep pointing out to him) and it was a promotion - not a lateral move, and not the boot out the door. Plus, it comes with a nice raise and a guaranteed number of hours every week...and there's always room for growth and further promotion down the road if he chooses to stay.

So -- GOOD JOB, BRIAN! Congratulations, I am proud of you!

OK, that's all of the nice stuff I have to say, so I am backing away from the keyboard. My job search for the day is over and I have other things to do. Until next time, thanks for looking in, my friend. Hello and goodbye.....................for now.

1 comment:

Rie said...

Glad to hear all is well. Thanks for checking in.