


I love being challenged throughout the day, and by day's end I love to be mentally taxed.

Today began damp and stuffy and 'close' - just plain uncomfortable.  It had rained once more (sometime in the wee morning hours), which only served to make everything that much more sticky with the added humidity.

On my honor, I could have wrung a few ounces of water from the wood floor downstairs. Ugh!

EVERYthing feels wet.  Waaahhh.

Anyhow, to get back to the day: I went to the second of three classes at the BBAC, and I am loving it!  More later, when I have a finished product to share...then it will make more sense.  Just completed three-quarters of my pile of "homework," and will try to get an early start tomorrow so as to complete the assignment on time (or, at least the lion's share for review). 

Don't you know, I bit off my usual more-than-I-can-chew, and made my piece a little more detailed and involved than it needed to be.  Will be interesting to see how far I can get in the time remaining before - and during - the last session.

For now, I am yawning and can't keep focused long enough to do anything more, so it is definitely time for bed!  The 'taxman' cometh.

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