

Good morning

Not certain, yet, how I feel this morning.  If I had to say anything at all about my mood, I would have to say I am somewhat ambivilant. Still feeling lost.

Watered the garden (which I should have done yesterday) and was roundly raspberried and booed by the plants. While tending to that chore, a Gold Finch landed on the telephone line where it crosses the patio.  I must have been still enough, because the little fellow then swooped down to a low branch on one of the hydrangea and proceeded to bob and weave - almost as if he was dancing to an internal Michael Jackson song.

The hibiscus and both remaining hydrangea are now flowering, as is the green ick, and I love the colors. Will have to find a better spot for the ick, though.

Flop and I shared a moment yesterday afternoon with a dusty little female cardinal.  She landed in the front flowerbed outside an open window, and spent some time fluttering and chirp-chipping around in the bed, hopping from the porch to the window sill to the ground and back again.  This caused Flop a lot of drooly moments while she tried to get the best view.  Each time the cardinal perched momentarily on the sill, Flop did her best to become invisible - poor thing - and the cardinal teased and flitted.

Once she flew off, Flop looked at me and mewed softly. I had to agree.

Currently, there is a rather industrious robin cleaning out the gutter just outside the library window.  There is all manner of loud shuffling, followed by the heaving of old leaf material propelled over the edge of the eave and past the window.  Guess I should get out there and join him.

Remember, all quilting posts and photos are now at:  See you there!

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