


Actually, 'wringing' would have been a more appropriate description of my current state. I've just finished watering my lovelies in the garden and putting out the trash, and now I think I shall water myself!

Woof! These are not the "dog days of summer," these are the "camel days."

Once I am somewhat cleaned up, I will head to the store and grab three upright fans (towers) - one for each of the boys' rooms (ceiling fans are for crap), and one more for the lower level. At least the moving air will feel better than still, stagnant air.

Last night the temp outdoors only got as low as 78*F, and I could hear the boys tossing and turning in the heat. I was sticky and uncomfortable so I knew they had to be suffering, and for the longest time this morning I listened to the early news (and their weather weenie) and wondered: should I go up and turn on the attic fan and draw the air through, or just leave it alone?

Well, I tried drawing the air only through the boys' rooms and the bathroom, but the thermostat never dipped from the 81* mark. It was futile - although I do think the bulk of moving air did help a little for the boys' sake. After 25 minutes I turned it off!

I did not do the usual weeding because it is just too hot already. Even in the shade (and with the occasional breezes) I am opting out today, but I hope you enjoyed the few shots I added from the garden.

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