

And while I'm on it...

I guess I am thinking more lately of the things Karl did as a boy because in a few short days he will turn 22! It doesn't seem possible, but eventually they grow up (to some degree).

Anyhow, my introspection of Karl's milestones and observations is natural for a mother, I suppose, especially as birthdays approach. We always see the children we bore as our babes, while still marveling at the people they become - sometimes due to our example and meddling...and sometimes in spite of it!

I'm thinking how funny it is that children hear what we say and then how it sticks in their memory banks; and how much funnier it is when they try to use it later in conversation.

When dropping Brian off at a childhood friend's house for a party, I was going over the usual things: remember to use "please" and "thank you," use a napkin, I'll pick you up by..., etc. A four-year-old Karl chimed in towards the end of the litany with "...and mind your keys and pews."

I think you know what that was meant to be.

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