

Beatles said it best (they always do)

It's just another day.

Still have a mammoth proportion of background quilting to get done, so I will not be making the January second deadline for this latest competition. Onward to the 14th!

I have already reasoned and mentally futzed with the odds and the numbers, and have consoled myself with the reality of it all; I am resigned to having this quilt to enter into next year's Paducah show (or maybe this year's GR show, with a new entry I will make over the next 11 months for Paducah 2013). Ah well, right?

Ah well.

[heavy sigh]

As I look around the room I realize, I need to pick up a new calendar or two for the walls (one for the kitchen and one for the library). Maybe another for the lower level wouldn't be a bad idea.

I must have my reference points.

The colorful little lizards from 2011 are still smiling at me from the bookshelf, reminding me it's time to move forward! Much as I hate to replace their sweet little faces, I really must get into 2012 - even if it all seems pretty pointless.

Goo goo ga-joob!

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