

Sometimes we go visiting

Forget a "nice" photo at a time like this. I was lucky to get this one! Ah, proof.

Every so often I get lucky - let's say once every two months or so - and can manage to get my sons out of the house at the same time, and into my car (again, at the same time).

Heck! We may even manage a pleasant time the entire duration of the ordeal, err....I meant 'outing.'

The evening of December 30th was one of those times, and while it was a wet - amazingly crowded affair - it was actually fun for all of us.

For several weeks we had tried to sync up Brian's time not at work with available hours at the Detroit Institute of Arts and plan a trip to the DIA, and it just never seemed to work in our favor. But on the last possible evening of the year (and before my three free passes expired) we climbed into the car and traveled to the city for a pleasant evening of traversing most of the DIA.

Yes, even Karl. His autism makes leaving the house a dreaded fight, and a very infrequent happening (which is why I try so hard to get him into a class at least once a semester).

Once we got our bearings (coordinating with the map provided) Karl navigated our way through the building, and Brian chose most of the stops once we left the lower floor.

Sure there were things we wanted to see and just couldn't, but all in all we did see a good deal of exhibits of interest to us - and I really think it whetted Karl's appetite to return another time and take a better look at things when there is no loud concert in the Rivera Court or holiday crowds to scoot around.

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