

Erstwhile pursuits

Last summer I chronicled my adventures helping out dear friends clear a section of their yard of a multitude of weeds, and then prep for, and install, a new lawn. In addition, I created a small berry bed at the top of their driveway (per their request) and transplanted a good number of the existing strawberries which had overgrown the original planting area, and all of the new runners that had sprouted in the weedy area.

It was incredibly satisfying, to say the least, to get back there several weeks later and see a beautiful nubile lawn growing from all of that seed and hard work!

[happy sigh]

This morning I found a comment posted to my blog entry about that event, advertising/boasting for some git from (of all places) Queensland, Australia, having done the work! Are you kidding me?

Buddy, you gotta pay me to advertise for you! Not to mention, you can't take credit for something you didn't do.

As the great Bugs Bunny would have said - "What a maroon!"

Somehow, this rube made me chuckle AND slap my forehead in exasperation.

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