

Seriously, Reuters? That's the best you've got?


A fire broke out in an underground car park in the Place Vendome in Paris today. But, apparently, it wasn't newsworthy enough for a reporting photographer to walk a few blocks in an attempt to obtain more info....or at the very least, a better picture of the happenings.

Tisk, tisk.

I don't know which is more incredulous - Reuters for publishing seven (and only seven << that was sarcasm) of the SAME photo, or Yahoo for sharing such a grossly underwhelming fluff bomb.

Is the fire out? What sort of damages? Any injuries? Any lasting ill-effects to any of the lovely old buildings, etc?

My older brother absolutely loves Paris, and the e-headline had me curious about any damage to the historic section of the famed "City in Pink," so I clicked on the link thinking to read and view the information, then send it on to Aaron in case he hadn't yet caught wind of the event.

What a disappointment the photos were by Charles Platiau of the Reuters news service. Every. Single. Shot. consisted of a lazy photog's vantage point of the Column Vendome obscured in part - or in whole - by black smoke.

Hello? And I can't get work?? I would have at least burned some leather hot-footing as many blocks as it would have taken around in the opposite direction to get a different view of the heroic firefighters, or a glimpse of the scene un-obstructed by the prevailing wind.

"Massive fire breaks out in Paris" the headline screams, except there was absolutely no news attached to the Reuters story!


Poorly worded text accompanied the repetitive - and less than ordinary shots - of black smoke...and people taking photos of the black smoke.

I am non-plussed by you, Reuters. You suck smoke - thick, billowy smoke.

Pardon me while I head to MSN for a real news report of the Paris fire. I might learn something.

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