

Yes, I stand by my "Florida-shmorida" pronouncement

Even though areas of Michigan suffered through some of the worst weather it's experienced in over 12 years (in some cases), we made it through last night. Yes, it's sad that some folks lost a number of photographs and other precious personal items that may be difficult to recover or replace, but by and large injury and loss of life was at an absolute minimum - and that's the important thing.

We don't have seasonal (two 'seasons' in a year) hurricanes - or typhoons, for that matter.

We don't expect or experience earthquakes on the level of the western half of the US (or around the globe). By the way, how do you expect the unexpected? I guess it's more preparation than anything. Those earthquake-prone areas just shrug their shoulders and count it as a way of life.

Tsunamis are not an issue for us. We will never lose our homes, lives, or have to agonize over whether we have the ability to recover from that sort of disaster.

These are all things to be grateful for.

Our maladies are all manmade here in the mitten state. Pervasive orange barrel season. Four years of Snyder (ick...I threw up a little in my mouth there). Rampant, unending unemployment. Oh, there's too much to mention (nor do I feel like making myself that depressed at the moment).

Let's just leave at all things considered - within the natural occuring realm - I will stay with my mid-west penninsula and it's four certain monotonous's crocodile- (and hurricane-) free!

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