

[fist clenching] Horrific chipmunks!

They have (he has) got to go.

For the past week we have smelled faint poo smells, but only in one particular area of the house.

As our eldest cat has a rear end leakage issue, we assumed she must have made a deposit somewhere in the vicinity that we simply needed to clean up. Soooo, we spent some time searching for a bisquit. A butt bomb. A Hobbes dingle-berry. Anything to account for the smell so that we could eliminate it, clean up, and move on - stink-free.

We found no such item. Sorry we suspected you, Hobbes.

Sadly, as the weather warms, we are smelling the smell a little more strongly.

No, the cat box does not need a cleaning!

This smell belongs to our resident chipmunk. Or, more correctly, the smell belongs to us, given to us from our resident chipmunk. The little fink!

For many of the past ten years we have been entertained by the antics each spring-through-summer of the adorable little lawn monkeys, darting in and out of what we thought to be a rather small hole (and cavity) under the cement slabs of our front stoop. It was cute, but now that there are some serious repercussions happening here, it is time to evict!

In the last two years, the little bugger has managed to grow quite a mound of excavated dirt and debris just under the hole, and last fall also managed to carve a 7"x4" hole in one of my car engine filters! Apparently the material is fabulous insulation in a chipmunk home!

Great, glad I could be of assistance.

Just two days ago I noticed the first sign of spring. Yes, the chipmunk had left the hole, and had managed to excavate MORE dirt on his way out, meaning he was digging in!

Over the winter months I had heard a lot of noise in the walls on the lower level (scratching, scurrying and chewing/gnawing), and in what would be the floorboards upstairs, so, somehow, it has found a way into the house through some hole under the front door (under the extremely large concrete slabs laid over the threshold serving as a stoop). NOT a good thing!

It was all I could do to not take a hammer and crow bar to the walls to do a little 'excavation' of my own!

And since seeing the little critter outside the hole a couple of days ago, I googled chipmunks. I have learned more than I care to - knowing there is one now doing so much damage to my home.


Yes, horrific-ly cute chipmunk....your days in my home are at an end! [insert evil laughter here]

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