

I can't get Karl to leave the house!

I am beside myself with worry that my 'mushroom' will develop even greater problems than he already possesses if he continues to resist leaving his room and dealing with life - and everything that that entails.


"C'mon, Karl. Come out here....I've got chocolate cake and orange soda."

"No! I can eat it in here as well as out there. Just leave it by the door and I'll get it in a minute."

Hmmm. I wonder if he has a more valid point (and better reasoning skills) than I do. Maybe there is no really good reason to ever leave the house.

Groceries can be delivered.

If I am not around people I can't get sick.

Stupid people in their cars can't damage John Wayne, or cause me harm or loss (especially if I am not subjected to them).

Oh my gosh, and this is just the tip of the iceberg!


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