

A watched pot never boils

Blah, blah, blah.

Maybe I should have said "...and all of that rot." Same dif.

I keep heading to an email inbox, checking to see if my humble 'pie' made it into a fine arts competition - today is the day they will begin announcing the juried pieces.

Am I a little overeager?

O-o-o-o-h-h yeah, baby. To say the least.

But, I guess a watched (-for) email never arrives

In the meanwhile, I am basking in the glow of 1) having passed another of those impossible medical class tests with a flying 103%, and; 2) one class to go before a two week break (the instructor is going on a sea cruise). That means there are two weeks to cram for the next set of tests AND get everything (covered thus far in both classes) so entrenched in my brain that I can sail through the mid-term exam without breaking too big a sweat.

Read and review, read and, read, read - and so on. I don't want to hesitate too much on any of the questions, whether she gives us a definition or an odd clue and we have to come up with the correct abbreviation or term, or whatever. When I hesitate, I question myself. When I question myself, I tend to talk myself out of the correct answer. Drilling and daily reviews are necessary for me to be assured the information is in my head and accessible. Quite frankly, some of the abbreviations confound the crap outta me, too. Like "PSA."

I am used to "PSA" meaning "public service announcement." But medically, it means "patient something-or-other associate."

Yeah, my brain is mushy at the moment. And then there are the medical terms for the anatomy, learning the anatomy, diseases, suffixes, prefixes....knowing all of that more doctor-oriented stuff. Argh!

Support!! Patient support associate!

I knew it would fall outta there [tapping on head] eventually.

Ah, anyway - it's time to trim the cats' nails and review body cavities and nervous system gunk, plus start the memorization process for forms used in patient files and what each is for. I'll have to let you know if and when the wall hanging makes it into the show.

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