

This 'n that

It's been a fairly busy week, and I still have studying to get back to, so it's not over - yet!Activities at the bank with financial planners, and with insurance agents (not at the bank); meetings with CLS for Karl and then finding out there is ANOTHER new MRS rep assigned to Karl...jeez.

[grumble and curses]

Despite a day of rain here and there, the next week and one-half will be spring bliss weather-wise, so....Florida-shmorida!

My passport expires this year, and I have been seriously considering renewing it. Well, why not? When I initially obtained it, it was for a semi-last-minute trip to Greece, and I was so very happy to have gotten it. Mentally and emotionally I began to plan a glorios excursion once a year from that time forward - with and without the boys. And, of course, I would loved to have used it on more than two travel occasions, but it wasn't meant to be.

However, I firmly believe everyone should have a valid passport. Everyone (except terrorists).

Speaking (sort of) about wandering, Cleo is having trouble staying down for her usual morning/afternoon siesta, and so I may as well pre-shrink some material and maybe cut out a few central squares for some reason or other in between stints of cat love. Whomever uttered the words about cats being totally independent was remarkably ignorant.

More later - have an enjoyable day!

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