


How do you interpret abundance?

The dictionary says: "plentifully supplied."

Do you recognise abundance in your own life? In yourself?

Can you find it in yourself?

Do you stop every once in a while to give thanks for it, or do you simply suppose you are entitled to what you have and blithely ignore the very real possibility that it could be lost to you - through any means - in the wink of an eye?

Do you just have it figured that since you worked hard to create and build your piles of [whatever] that they are yours, and unless you give them (it) away, nothing or no one can touch it??

I know I gave thanks for the job I had; for the upward growth and opportunities; for the unimagined income that came from working hard and changing directions and taking on new challenges. I know I never took it for granted.

There were many moments when I would look over my shoulder and wait for the other shoe to drop. It felt too good (not the fearful waiting but the great job and unexpected pay), not like I had earned it. That was a wonderful mystery, although I did recognize I had been graced with bosses who saw my worth in the beginning.

Just being in the right place at the right time was all it took, but I knew it could be gone in a heartbeat. I just didn't know that instead of 'dropping,' that other shoe would be flung at my head!

When that life ended, I do know that I was thankful to have been able to put away money to have as a "rainy day fund." I had been fortunate. I was grateful to have had the cushion in my paychecks to be comfortable and pay bills, and live life without squandering or having to scrape by like so many others.

I was delighted to have money to bank and count on in case of some emergency.

Who knew the 'emergency' would last half a decade?

Throughout all this time (the job drought) I have taken chances on idled dreams and what-ifs (by the way, "what-ifs" are better undertaken when you are younger so that there is not so much water under the bridge and so many wrinkles on your face). I have tried new things, walked new avenues and started at square one several times over - and have had a blast (and tears) in the attempts and the successes - short-lived though the successes may have been.

Currently, I am starting another path, and not one I am keen about, but one that should at least garner me a steadier job, possibly with benefits, and an ongoing paycheck for more than the run of a film project.

My abundance here? The working mind and body which God has graced me with, and the creative energy and talents imbued in me. My ability to learn and adapt is also a gift I treasure and put to good use. My beautiful mother who has made the ultimate sacrifice and kept the wolf from my door and the food on our table. My friends and extended family, few and powerful, who stand in my corner and cheer me on and believe in me - even when I have doubts in myself and fears which overwhelm me. My children who love me unconditionally and give me encouragement from time to time.

I am rich in my adversity.

Yes, I recognise my abundance, and I give thanks to God for His love and grace. May He be as good to you.

1 comment:

FunnyLadyInRed said...

This entry is as profound and pertinent - AND TRUE - today as the day I penned it.

While I don't feel I give enough thanks to Him for all His gifts, I surely know nothing I have is only due to my works.

All good things around us are sent from Heaven above. Oh, thank the Lord, for all His love!