

Power restored

Holy smokes! When it rains, it pours, eh?

After coming home from Crittenton there was a power outtage which lasted 3 days! And why? We don't know. I honestly cannot remember what precipitated it, but I do remember the rainy days that followed once the power was finally restored. In fact, it rained the entire day I had my staples removed, too.

Yesterday, on the warmest, muggiest day yet, we had another lack of electricity (cuz ya can't go too long without a good outtage). Thankfully, this one didn't last as long, and we probably weren't as affected as most - given we don't have air conditioning - so we didn't notice the discomfort level rise (as much as the poofs all around us).

Poor melting schmoos. Although, I must admit to hating doing without the fans.

The real inconvenience was in not being able to work - I still have so much to do before heading north, and no electricity certainly throws a monkey wrench into one's activities.

Once the power came back on I got busy with another LONG call to an HP support person. Yes, the notebook required another round of coaxing, fixing and troubleshooting. This just two-point-5-days after a difficult 2hr:20minute call with an HP dude who managed to install, open and shake the contents of Pandora's Box all over the inside of my lil laptop! ever since my episode with him, the troubles increased in frequency and type, so much so that I was having difficulty connecting to or even staying online, I would get blue screen errors and crashes, and a lot of my little conveniences no longer existed.

Suffice it to say I am happily online for the time being, and needing to make up some lost time before heading to Gram's this afternoon. When I return tomorrow (some time), I will hit the ground running, and still will have to abide by a tight, tight schedule to get everything done. My main concerns are paperwork for both Karl and myself, and simply trying to coordinate as much of the household stuff for my absence.

Nothing is ever simple, is it?

So, I need to run for now and get things accomplished, because even though the power is restored, so is the level of insanity!

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