

Time is getting tight

I still have so much to do to get ready for my departure, and I am working from a bunch of lists now, just so I don't forget anything anywhere.

So many balls in the air, and I don't juggle!

Brian is off buying a car (against his will and better judgement), and I wish he didn't have to take this particular vehicle, either, but for the time being, it is the only option available. He has dragged his feet and simply avoided doing the necessary things to be ready for my absence, and if I didn't make him jump on this deal, he would still think he was driving me to Grayling and leaving me there car-less for the 6 weeks. He and I need separate transportation, and he has become very used to having my wheels to use whenever.

He has has a string of bad luck with his first two vehicles after the VW leases ended, and it is a long story I would like to fill you all in on, but I have no time (and truth be told, no desire) at present.

Some have asked, "Why, with so many days before you have to leave, are you so anxious?"

Well, aside from the obvious (leaving the boys to their own devices for a solid 6 weeks) I really do not have that much time before the curtain falls. I will be spending the first through the 5th with Gram, then coming home with enough time at the end of the fifth to wash, finish packing and load the car in order to get on the road the next morning! My time for accomplishing anything here at home is now severely limited, and I have a lot to get done.

Trust me, I am trying not to freak out, but it is tough. Now, couple that with Karl being in class, only half way through, and leaving him to somebody else to get through it with projects done and turned in on time, tests studied for, etc. OCC's track record for assigning someone competent and diligent has not been stellar, to say the least. And, I fear Brian would not be much better in helping Karl stay on task in class - or in taking useful notes - as he is completely unfamiliar with the course subject. Oh, and they fight...over nothing...cuz they are siblings...and Karl has a hair trigger...and Brian likes to pull it, sometimes.

Maybe I should just stay home.

1 comment:

Rie said...

WoW Beth!! This is fantastic! Go Live Your Dream!! The boys will be fine! Maybe while you up that far north, you'll go to Mackinaw and take in some of the local sites, I hear it's beautiful and rich in history!! Send Postcards! I'll check your blog for updates!