

12:01 a.m.

Just chatted with Brian on FB, and he has good news about the job with the comic book publisher in Detroit.

FINALLY, f i n a l l y, after two months he has the nod, and has signed a contract for two books with them!

The pay is pretty good for a newbie, and he will be drawing and inking for the most part - unless they ask/require him to also color pages...then the pay per page goes up! If he submits colored work - beyond the scope of the requested work - then they can either use it or not, and if it is used, they adjust the pay for those pages. If they ask him to do covers, there is yet another bump.

Needless to say he is excited, and he has his head down, and is making hay while the sun shines. They (those publication people) seem to be as fickle and unreliable a bunch as production folks.

Oh, those artsy-fartsy types!

Still, he is happy, and as long as he makes the deadlines for each book, once the current contract ends, he is expecting to be able and negotiate a better rate the next time. Yea!

P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!

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