

Knee-jerk reactions

It's funny, isn't it, how our point of view changes over the years. We think of things (sometimes fondly, other times not so much) and remember them differently. Or, we think of our reactions to events and conversations with people, and how we would have done or said something differently had we only had (or taken) another 5 seconds before opening our mouths and reacting.


We humans are a regretful lot, and anyone who walks around saying they never regret anything they've done or said (or didn't do or say) is either lying or heartless (or full of excrement).

I am not certain living 'in the moment' is any better as a way to travel through life, but everything in today's society is so fast-paced and keeps us out of touch with really having to deal with people face-to-face and one-on-one for the most part, unless we put ourselves in to those predicaments.

Getting a meal and banking via the drive-thru, shopping online, texting and email, cable TV, on demand movies and sports, and on and on, all require little to no interpersonal contact. It's no wonder we don't know how to socialize appropriately any more.

The middle finger salute is now the normal response to a perceived slight of any sort, as are totally foul language and insults of all types, instead of simply letting go and taking a deep breath or pointing out the issue in a more calm, reasonable way.

Reactions are out of proportion and most times inappropriate to the initial slight. What has happened to society? Where have decent behavior and morality gotten to? Why can't those who initially behave badly simply say "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" instead of becoming incredibly defensive and thinking they were in the right? And why can't those who suffer the actions of boorish, stupid, irrational people put it into perspective before allowing something momentarily annoying from ruining their day and becoming a 'snowball' for themselves and all around them?

Knee-jerk reaction?

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