

Another day,

That's about it.

I found a post I hadn't finished from a few days back, so I finished and posted it a short while ago - I hope you enjoy it. Shoot...for that matter I hope you can follow it.

Every once in a while I begin a thought and get a few lines 'on paper', but then get interrupted. (This is where the boys - or Jean - would insert "squirrel.") Sometimes it is a momentary intrusion and I can sit back down and pick up where I left off without a problem; other times there is a much longer delay in getting back to writing. On those occasions where it takes longer to get back to finishing an entry, the intent of my blog sometimes gets away from me and I end up scrapping the entry altogether rather than finishing it.

Let's face it, if the point you try to make has a real explicit purpose and you get off track, sometimes there is no picking up the scent again once the reasoning is lost.

I know, I know...too many mixed metaphors. See what I mean about losing your train of thought.


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