

Up with the sun, gone with the wind...

What a week! This is why I need time in between stints away from home.

I just get rolling on a project, or get heavily into it, then I have to put on the brakes. The stuff I am doing right now isn't portable work, so I end up having to put things away - or aside - and then we all end up living around the debris (the boys and the cats and myself). It's been like this for a while; it's sort of like living on sand dunes! The debris just keeps shifting in size and locations, with no real resolution. [smacking forehead] That is, until recently.

Sometimes it's easy enough to pick up where I left off with some activities, but other times, once the momentum is lost, it is hard to get it rolling again. There are so many other events and projects needing my attention, staring me in the face and screaming for blocks of my time.

I'm thinking about just screaming back.

This week Karl has been attending a "Soft Skills" 'training', and I have had the alarm set every day so that I could be up and ready ahead of him - getting his lunch and breakfast made before he has to be out of bed. Oddly, I haven't needed the alarm at all - I've awakened every day, on my own, AHEAD of the silly alarm!

He's been pretty good about the whole thing, only being a little stubborn yesterday about getting up. And he only balked twice upon coming home and finding the floor in his room and a clear path to the bed and desk!

Next week we will repeat the whole up-and-at-'em routine, and I will attempt to make the best use of his absence to work in his bedroom again, spackling, sanding, cleaning and maybe painting. We'll see. I was happy enough just to get it cleaned out and begin the hopefully finishing won't be out of the least by the end of the month.

Until then, I'll keep you posted. I just have to keep concentrating on one thing at a time. The garage (the lower level floor, the bathroom repairs, etc.) will just have to take a back seat for the time being.

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