

Nothing much to say

Except, maybe, "good night."

I spent the week torn between different projects and events and happenings, trying to make the best use of my time before heading away from my stash for a bit. Same old same old, ya know?...tried to do too many things and never really finished any one thing.

Old habits die hard.

I brought with me the material palette I will be using for that baby quilt I spoke about last blog, and my plan is to hunker down and graph out the blocks I've decided on for the project, and I hope to cut out several of the squares for it while I am on duty this week. I decided not to bring the machine along, so if I manage to get the graphing and the cutting done (by some strange, fantastical quirk of nature), I will be forced to work on a script the rest of my stay in G-land instead of sewing 100% of the time.

I will take/load a photo of the color/fabric selection tomorrow when I have some brilliant daylight at my disposal. Trust me when I say I think I made some good choices for the material while using a terribly small sample from an online source as a reference. This sample quilt might turn out ok.

For now, however, I am maxed out and ready for shut-eye. See you on the flip side.

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