

Brian got the job!

Yes, it may be just a seasonal position, but sometimes it can lead to more. From his reaction when he returned home, I would almost swear he was disappointed to have the work...he was (is) hard to read.

Perhaps he was hoping the job was permanent, but I am fairly certain he knew he was applying for seasonal help to begin with. At any will be several days a week, for approximately 4-7 (maybe 8) hours each day (no telling until the schedule comes out), so that's something.

He's just going to have to keep digging, but for now, he has a job. Thank you, Lord, for answering that prayer.

Today is a sunny day, and perhaps a smidge warmer than yesterday, so I am going back out to the garage to clean out more, move things around and get boxes of books ready to go to that craft show I wrote of earlier in the week. If the parochial school is indeed filled with voracious readers, and parented (and taught) by book-loving people, I should have no trouble selling a portion of my stock.

I am choosing to remain very positive and thinking only huge thoughts as far as what (and how much) to take, but because everything is boxed up (in not as much order as there once was), it is a process to get the stuff sorted through and decided over. Definitely the Christmas books are going, and American Girl series (if I can locate them), Madeline (books and the plush dolls), and anything else PBS-oriented (Magic School Bus, Arthur, etc), dinosaurs....

Oh my gosh! I need to get out there or this is never getting done.

The sale is a week from tomorrow, so if you find yourself in the Flint area, come shopping! I know a great book dealer with fabulous new children's books at really crazy low prices (deals and freebies included).

And Brian got a job!!!!

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