

It's eleven after eleven on eleven-eleven

I just thought that was sort of neat.

In other news: The day began early for me (good). Cleo let me know my breathing had changed - and that her tummy was grumbly - somewhere around the 7AM hour....but because of the dense fog blanketing the area, it was hard to tell what time it was (really).

She kept repeating, "breakfast, breakfast, breakfast" in her slobbery sweet purr, as she groomed my arm diligently. Moments later Hobbes noisily perched on the stairs and watched (with disdain) Cleo's efforts to get me up and out of bed. Hobbes is an instigator and a drill Sgt; a conversationalist and an ever-ready, appetite-fulfilling opportunist. A cunning conniver of the kitty persuasion.

She is cat.

She spoke to the dog and reminded her of the duty 'at paw.'

"Get herz outs of the beds! Feedz us!" she meowled at Cleo in her low, patient-but-stern reminder voice.

Cleo prutted, grabbed my forearm and held it to her sandpaper tongue for the last few slurps. Seems there must have been a freckle she was after.

Hobbes shifted on her perch and then Flop appeared just above her. Timidly she mewed a very typical Flop request noise, and Cleo rolled over to stare at (or challenge) her.

All at once Cleo was off the bed and lumbering up the stairs in an effort to get to Flop. Flop retreated quickly (more quickly than Clee could mount the stairs), but she gave Cleo enough time to get to a point where the activity quickly became a chase - one of their random games. A little bit of growling, some hissing for effect, a few swats here and there, culminating in the famous Cleo What?-I'm-just-lying-here-all-cute-n-stuff roll. For as much as she protests and snarls and growls, Flop loves the game (and truth be told, she also starts the sh*t most of the time).

Girls were fed, chores were done, dense fog lifted, calls have been made and the day continues.

In still other news: Lists are checked and I am dressed and off.

By the end of class yesterday, Karl had managed to get his project scanned and saved to a thumb drive...but not without error. In frustration (his with everything, mine with him), we left campus and headed home. Brian's car was still not starting (from two nights ago), and he still needed to get his tires swapped out. Now, "on the clock" in a serious way, I was making an attempt to get home with jumper cables (hoping against all hope the issue is as simple as battery trouble), and then get to the place where the tire thing was to happen. Stopped at one of the little hardware places in town (trying to keep my dollars local) to get the cables - and guess what they had a spot for on a shelf but none of? That's right! I could have stopped at Home Depot, but I didn't. [forehead smacking]

The next little local hardware may have just had them, but they are SO outrageously priced, I try not to go there if I have a choice. So, today I am back on the road to purchase more paper (for class), jumper cables, milk crates (more on that later), and to meet up with the instructor of Karl's animation class to hopefully save the project on another external source (so that it will hopefully open at home) for editing. Yes, yes, he needs sound added before he can turn it in (of course). Yea sound! [lots more grumbling from Karl]

While Karl remains at home to work on his assignment for Maya class tonight, I will get the running done, and then get home to help Bud start his car so that he can get to the garage where they will change his tires.

Why isn't Brian doing that himself? Oh, good question. A: The jack in the trunk does not fit the configuration of the nuts on the wheels. Go figure! Why would it? Sheesh!

Since it turns out that he isn't on the schedule for the part time job he has at the craft store until Monday, this is great timing to get this auto work done. And, if he has issues beyond the battery, it will be good to know now instead of in frigid weather and inches of snow. Besides, there is another place nearby hiring one extra person in their store through the holidays, so if he can get there and turn in an application, he may have two part time jobs for just that much more cash to bankroll.

Anyhow, I need to get rolling, things need to get done and it's not going to happen if I sit here and chat with you all. More another time - thanks for stopping by.

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