

It's been a good month

It's been good. It's been long (long and cold), but it's been good - and it keeps improving.

Two paying jobs...not whopper paychecks, but hey, work is work. Credit builds reputation. Reputation brings more work. More work = more pay.

Cannot argue with it, no matter how arduous the road travelled. I am blooming where I am planted!

Brian started that part time seasonal job at Michaels less than 5 working days ago, and then last night came home with wonderful news - at least as wonderful as can be for him for the time being. They are asking him to consider becoming full time after the holidays, working as a "front end supervisor" and at the framing center!

I know!

Remember, he was not thrilled with the job after the first couple of days, but he perservered in spite of how he felt and did his usual bang up work...being helpful and quick and trying to improve things where he could without making waves. It's amazing what one can do when they need to earn a dollar.

Bloom where you are planted, Bud, and God will do the rest.

Had dinner with a small extended unit of the family at Grandma's for Thanksgiving. Mom cooked quite a spread, and Andy even dropped in for dinner. Haven't seen him since his surgery, and a post-visit last year at this time. He has lost so much weight, and looks gaunt and very tired. Even the boys thought he looked remarkably like Grandpa Schaffer in his condition.

As we were preparing to leave, the phone rang and we had a chat with brother Aaron! So the family was complete - or as much as could be with (long) distance between us.

And now, I am trying to ready last bits in order to head out on the road in a very short while, leaving my sons prepared, taking along necessary items, being ready for the first day of filming, tying up loose ends (or dragging them along to work on in free minutes found here and there). I am trying to not worry over things I have no control over, and trying like mad to take care of everything at once that needs doing. I am only succeeding at making myself crazy with worry.

I am in need of exercising my faith in myself and in God, and I need to continue believing He will guide me and events around me, as He has thus far.

Blooming, blooming, blooming. [deep breath]

Yes, it's been a good month.

1 comment:

Rie said...

Good For YOU!!!! I'm trying to Bloom where I'm planted. And to know that with every challenge that comes my way it prepares me for some future event. God Bless you and keep you strong while you're on your way to your full growth potential!