

Went through 20 boxes least

That isn't saying very much, when I compare it to the thirty-plus boxes still waiting to be gone through.

Aaarrrgh! ah-iiii-eeeeeee!!

Oh, yeah, if you haven't read up in a while, I will simply say I am selling books at a sale next Saturday - in Flint. Back to the entry.

This is crazy, and all in such short order. Ah well, it really needs to happen, so I suppose it doesn't matter what forces the change (but, if it means ending up with some badly needed capital at the end of the day and making room in the garage, then who am I to stand in the way of progress, fate, karma....the soul train?).

[sorry, ran off on a bad tangent, there -- I'm back]

In sorting through and selecting the merchandise to take to this "ladies day out" sale, I have located a small number of items that aren't price marked, either by the manufacturer or myself. I've looked these things up online, and in some instances found they aren't even referenced by their own manufacturer or publishing company any longer, or have been phased out by newer items.


Of course, if I want to get rid of this stuff (and I do), I need to keep the prices low enough to make buying piles of books (or, more than one item, anyway) by anyone a good ($) idea, and not an 'oh-I-don't-know-I-guess-I'll-think-about-it-maybe-I'll-be-back' sort of coin-toss decision.

Yes! America!!!! Buying books is worthwhile. Noble! Exhilarating! Intelligent! A way to send a message to the youth of the world who learn by example! Buy a book and read it with your children...your grandchildren! Give a book to your favorite teacher, for crying out loud. Gift the classroom for decades of kids to come! I even have upper L reading material. :)

[hairpulling, teeth gnashing, saliva flowing]

I guess I am a little crazed on the subject, but not purely as a purveyor of literature. My deeply twisted feelings on the subject are what got me into selling children's books in the first place.

Do a girl a favor, please. Buy some books (from me, preferably) next weekend.


Now, if you will excuse me, I need to toddle back out to the garage and sort some more merchandise to sell to the masses. It's not easy needing 'green'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to read more and buy books!