

Simple post

Yesterday was Bud's first day at that part time job that runs through the holidays. He didn't like it. In fact, he hates the place -- sad, but true. I told him to keep his eyes on the monetary aspect and keep plugging away at finding something else.

Incentive, I guess.

Karl's class at CCS is coming to a quick end...just a couple more weeks and it will be over. I'll reserve my critique of [everything] until that time. We will have to see if he wants to continue with more instruction, and what/if they offer anything that will build on his knowledge base and improve his Maya skill sets.

Went to the bank to deposit the money and checks from the sale on Saturday. So hoping and praying that the four checks I accepted are legit and are not of the bouncing sort. By the end of the week I should be able to call the bank and ask if all four cleared.

Bathtub drain won't....drain, that is. The stopper is inexplicably stuck in the trap area (in the down position), which means I must become a plumber and crawl into Karl's closet (where the access panel is) and perform a 'Mario.'

Life was so much simpler when I was five. Can I have a 'do-over'?

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