

Autism day

Spent a good deal of today getting my foot in the door at OU; attended a parent/guardian/caregiver group meeting, and then had an intake meeting and interview with the person who will counsel and help Karl.

I am not keen on getting my hopes up again [without due provocation] but this felt a little more like traveling in the right direction for a change.

Oh felt like moving in A direction for a change. MRS and CLS are less than helpful (and have been for such a long time), and the longer he is in their "programs" the less gets done. It feels as though they are timing him out of the system...biding their time with worthless, endless paperwork and platitudes, hoops and dangling carrots, until he is too old for them to be bothered with any longer.

It's all (been) a sham, and at Karl's expense!

I pray this new road will yield beneficial results.

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