

Hunkering down

With the huge storm on its way and the prospect of being marooned in the house for a couple days, I took it upon myself to hit the store and stock up on necessary things.

Canned cat food, ground turkey and buns for turkey burgers, chips (of course), lunch meat and hoagie rolls, milk (two gallons of each), potatoes, carrots, lettuce, bananas, etc, etc, etc. [sigh of relief and chocolate]

We are all set and a day ahead of schedule, so there!

With the groceries put away and dinner taken care of, I set to work building a small mound of films to pass the time. "Feel good" movies to put a smile on my face, or at the very least, take my mind off of the lack of work. Oddly, I need to keep from watching the credits to ensure I don't think about not having a job! LOL

I've just finished watching the first of my movie mania choices, Love Actually, and it never ceases to amaze me that I can still get choked up watching certain parts. I'll let you know what comes next, but for now.... it's Monday night and time for House, and then my 'boyfriend" at 10pm.

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