

More paring down

Still cleaning and sorting and throwing (throwing out, that is).

I am finding myself more capable lately of letting go of things, and it feels good.

Clothes that I haven't been able to wear for some time; objects that are not truly usable but are still too good to pitch in the trash (you know what I mean); and papers that I have lugged with me from one house to the next (which are now suddenly of little importance). These things have all found their way out of my life. Out of my space. Out of my home.

I still have my fabric stash (honestly, I am trying not to add to it - too much), and the library is notoriously full of books (I highly doubt I will ever be able to let go of a single cookbook - whether I use it or not), and until I have a place to put them officially, my collection of dishes is still boxed up and residing in the garage...but I have pared it all down.

Some of the exorcism has been small, but I still give myself credit for having begun the process. Baby steps...right?

It isn't easy letting go, and goodness knows I am not going to rid myself of stuff in a weekend or two when it's taken me years to accumulate it all.

By the same token, I am also relinquishing some bad habits (or, starting the process of change), and letting go of mental ills and harsh thoughts that plague me. Energy suckers.

Yeah, that's going to take a much longer period of time...and a bigger broom.

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