

Well, well

Look, it's a new year!

As a child, it always seemed so magical to me that you could go to bed as you always do - brush your teeth, don your pj's, kiss your folks good night, throw a pillow at your brother's head, lie down and drop off to sleep, and when you awaken the next morning you're entrenched in a whole new year!

I went to bed in 1969, but whoa! Now it's 1970! The calendar, which is now and fat and full of (the same old) months we need to get to, is suddenly new and wondrous. [gasp] A chance to do it all again!

As I grew older, I was allowed to stay up (if I could keep my eyes open) and witness the passing of old year to new year, and it struck me last night that the last time I held any awe for the commotion was when the world toppled from the 1900's into the new millennium. Amazingly, it's been 12 years since the excitement of a new year's celebration has made me sit up and take notice.

That's sad. What do I have to do to get back the new year mojo? My last fortune cookie of 2010 told me: "Listen these next few days to your friends to get answers you seek."

Ok, friends, let's hear it.

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