

Cosmic apologies

Dear Anthony (if that is your real name) at AT&T:

Try to understand, that when I, as a customer, am shunted through three live persons (which, by the way is nearly impossible to do with your phone system - get a live person, that is), in order to get through to "customer service" to discuss my DSL and phone issues, I do not want to wind up speaking with someone about U-verse!

Do not! Do not! Do not!!!

Why is AT&T insisting on shoving U-verse down my throat?

I specifically said I wanted to speak with someone regarding my high-speed DSL service and still wound up speaking with someone in customer service (huzzah!) who said they couldn't tell me anything about my U-verse account (WTF?).  I wasn't inquiring after a U-verse account.

I don't have a U-verse account!

With unemployment raging in my life (being my chief concern and hurdle) I can barely afford the exorbitant phone bill to be able to maintain the expensive (crappy) DSL service that piggybacks it.  And no, dial up is not an option - are you crazy?!

Please don't continuously tell me that my street is zoned for U-verse and that you have limited information on my U-verse account (which I do not have), and that you would be more than happy to connect me with a U-verse accounts person to help with my issue...when the issue isn't my (non-existant) U-verse account!!! 

I have tried this morning to get an audience with a customer care rep (ultimately you, Anthony) so that I could ask questions about my DSL (you know, internet access that isn't U-verse). After the endless twenty+ minutes of crap, repetitious elevator muzac and self-promoting "commercials", and the transfers by your insipid, misogynistic, electro-male-voice switchboard to people who (probably) mean well but are function-challenged at their jobs, I still got you with your rather inept, unresponsive and lackluster customer service center response.

Oh, and by the way, your phone lines are poo!  I could barely hear you most of the time.  You would think the phone company would have better quality so that the customer wouldn't have to deal with more frustration while dealing with the initial frustration.

So, when I hung up in incredible frustration, I did so after apologizing in advance and with a warning.  I hope you didn't take it as personally as it may have felt at the time.


One very frustrated, broke and dissatisfied non-U-verse customer

1 comment:

FunnyLadyInRed said...

gawd, but i'm funny.

hope you managed to read the first two paragraphs correctly. it was inner-voice typing, so you have to be able to read conversational text to get it.

have a good one.