

Hard lessons and busy days

Brian has had to learn another hard lesson, but he seems to be taking it very well.

While driving home from work a couple of nights ago, he rolled down his window - or, attempted to - when something seized halfway down, the glass listed oddly to one side and then dropped into the doorwell.  I can only imagine the look on his face. 

His first instinct was to call me!  Oh, I wish I had the magical powers he thought I possessed at that moment.  Alas..............

The wind blowing in the open window, as he drove the 5.5 miles on the expressway, made the conversation impossible to continue.  So I told him to hang up and we would deal with it once he arrived home.

Thankfully it was on a workday when he did not close, so there was daylight (and fewer mosquitoes trying to snag a quick meal) while we taped up the opening and emptied all possessions out of his defenseless auto.

We had dinner and Brian tried not to think about the impending cost while making plans to get it to a shop first thing the next day.  I told him to be thankful he had a job (and savings) now, and to be happy for things that could be handled. 

Karl already had an appointment and a secondary activity to plan around, and Bud had work in the afternoon, so making the rest of the new bits work around existing time frames required some prodding and poking. 

We fit registering Karl for a new class into the time between dropping off Bud's car at the mechanic's and getting to Karl's appointment (to complete paperwork hiring a new Ind Supports Staff).  It seemed to work out OK.  Brian needed a lift to work at 4PM, and we finished Karl's activities with just enough time to get Bud there ahead of schedule.

After everything was said and done, it was a busy day, but everything accomplished was needful and productive.  I even got the sheers for the front room washed and the large window they hang in cleaned!  Now to finish the job. ;)

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